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…project “made & run(s)” by & (since/ano 2022)
“build next level systemterminal for each spacestation zone to get sensors & infoscreens data, play music like the “mpd”-stations, play videos from lan, play stream(s) & media from local network & different internet sources… –> one central terminal per zone (with a full linuxserver behind every codi instance & low power use, ~29W max@running PoC)!” the codi-project is inspired by the spacestation Babylon 5's Babcom System:
“Babcom was (Spacestation) Babylon 5's internal communications network. Public terminals were available in most public areas including the Passenger Lounges, Zocalo as well as modest and better quarters and can link in to StellarCom.”
tribute & thanks @ these opensource projects & software that we use:
codi showcase setup for 38c3 congress: autoboot / offline useable / 6x rpi3 with rasberian OS (bookworm), 5x codi-terminal(s) / remote controllable setups (z.b. android core) + 1x rpi3 (server) 4lan-service codi-base 🥳 (remote syncronized content play service):
(customized multios kodi client @ central mediadb) :
device list @ “\\mfs\mfs\kodi-sync\codis-tribution-system\all-mac-codi-project-devices.txt”
custom codi terminal stations (logo identify) overview:
ws:; # leuchtetisch win
# ws:; # libreelec zet
# ws:; # kodi20 zet
# ws:; # kodi20 zet
ws:; # brückenecke
# ws:; # nerdcouch
# ws:; # p400z
ws:; # scratecke
# ws:; # brückenecke
# ws:;
# ws:rpi3-22OS:9090/;
# ws:; #wlan rpi3-22
# ws:;
# # ws:;
# ws:;
# ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:; #brückenecke
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# # ws:;
# ws:;
# ws:;
(batocera running on rpi4 @55'' touchscreen, location: mainhall)
5x codi terminals (rpi3 arm64) in testing for rollout @all underdeck sections (29W max power, per setup)
these file "\\mfs\mfs\kodi-sync\advancedsettings.xml" --> copy2your "~homedir/.kodi/userdata/" & these file "\\mfs\mfs\kodi-sync\sources.xml" --> copy2your "~homedir/.kodi/userdata/"
kodi im c-base netz nutzen mit zentraler mysql@mfs by
install kodi auf android oder fireos … einmal anstarten wieder beenden die advancedsettings.xml aus diesem ordner in den kodiordner: android: “…/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/” kopieren kodi starten sollte sowohl datenbank für filme derien & musik vom \\mfs\ mit allen medieninformationen haben!!!
…habt spass … geht auch bei linux & co & natürlich windoof! (wenn dann gibt es probleme mit netzprotokollunterschieden z.b. nfs mounten)
btw …das kodidevice muss im gleichen internen netz wie der mfs sein! …ausbau der kodis folg …der zet
self coded (by mecci) network service for syncronized remote video playing on connected codi terminal[s]:
all codi central spacestation files here via smb (syncpoint kodi, installers, sdcard images,codi-base, etc):
(video screensaver source)
(picture screensaver source)