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c-beam MQTT

MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/“Internet of Things” connectivity protocol. see:

We are running a mqtt server on on port 1883. It's only reachable from the internal network.

Currently there are the following topics:

topic interval description
info/time 1 minute current date and time
c_out/loop 10 minutes starts a new sound loop on c_out
c_out/play n/a playload plays various announcements on c_out
nerdctrl/open n/a opens the payload URL in a browser in the nerdarea
client/echelon n/a this is a retained topic, if it is available, the traffic stats script on echelon is running
system/echelon/traffic 1 minute incoming and outgoing traffic on ipb and kdg lines from echelon in bytes since last message
ingress/status/+ n/a status of the ingres portals around the c-base
projects/mqtt.1419440274.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/24 17:57 by mm