===== Preparation ===== Use the Podcasting desk and ask Woodworker or Uk before recording, since they own and/or contributed a lot of the podcasting equipment and they have gathered quite some experience with the "Stationsfunk" podcast. Check your levels using headphones! Make sure every audio source you intend to use comes in with similar levels. Use the compressor to get speakover functionality etc. ===== Recording ===== See [[soundlab:guides:recording|How to record]]. If you run background music, remember to either record mics to another channel or mute them, so you can talk or leave the room while the music is being played. After recording, make sure your file is complete, at least checkout a full waveform display. If you can, monitor this during the recording. ===== Finalization ===== There are nice services and programs to enhance and prepare your podcast for broadcasting, e.g. [[https://auphonic.com/|Auphonic]] We have plans to prepare a streaming machine on one of the soundlab machines, but there is also a wealth of other means to upload (i.e. broadcast) your podcast.