=== Planung: Escaping the Escapepod === Help, i'm in an escapepod - and i need to evacuate! $ cat evacuate.py for item in escapepod: Sichtung(item) code = Inventarisierung(item, db) Bestickerung(item, code) ort = Lagerortbestimmung(item, (soundlab, vjpult, excase, seminarraum, c-lab)) Rücktransport(item, ort) missing = (item, cost) === Labels === Coloured labels (red, yellow, white) that indicate ownership, usage rights etc. They should be made with CBAG3 - c-base' artefact guide system, here you can add devices: * https://cbag3.c-base.org/artefact/new It will generate a working qr code and a description entry, as well as an attachable picture space. Links will look like this: * https://cbag3.c-base.org/artefact/911alternativversion Printed stickers should have (next to the QR code) fields: * Artefact Name (for non qr code capable users) * Owner Sticker colors: This is mostly for more expensive instruments etc. * Red: Private - ask for permission and get an introduction prior usage * Yellow: Private, Can use, but don't remove * White: c-base/soundlab property